Who, Who, Who Are We?
Here is a bit about who we are and what we do.
Dr. Stephen (Steve) Hudson
Expedition Leader
Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Polar Institute
Steve is a research scientist at the Norwegian Polar Institute, specializing in atmospheric science, light, and heat budgets in polar regions. He studied atmospheric science from his undergraduate degree at Cornell University through his PhD at the University of Washington, focusing on the heat budget and light interactions over Antarctica. Since moving to Norway in 2008, Steve has contributed to projects on Arctic sea ice, Svalbard glaciers, and weather and climate dynamics around Troll Station, Antarctica.
In the TONe project, Steve is leading the work package developing the Integrated Cloud Observatory. He brings expertise in the relationship between clouds and the accumulation or melt of snow in polar regions while collaborating closely with colleagues for broader expertise.
Outside of his work, Steve enjoys scuba diving and traveling, often combining the two in his adventures.
Marius Bratrein
Electrical Engineer
Instrumentation Engineer at the Norwegian Polar Institute
Marius has a broad background in electrical engineering, instrumentation, logistics, and polar exploration. He has worked closely with Steve to prepare everything for the expedition to Troll, bringing invaluable technical expertise to the team.
photo credit: Tor-Ivan Karlsen/NPI
Dr. Michael (Mike) Town
Atmospheric Scientist and Glaciologist
Vice President and Research Scientist at Earth and Space Research
Mike currently studies the evolving interaction between the atmosphere and near-surface snow in polar regions.
Mike (and ESR) is very excited to be part of the TONe-ICO project. His roles in the field include, but are not limited to: 1. designing and implementing the surface science observations supporting the TONe-ICO project 2. putting wires through holes 3. moving things from here to there and back again
Even Birkeland
Project Engineer at the Norwegian Polar Institute
Even supports the TONe project and brings valuable local knowledge from his winterover at Troll and field experience as satellite engineer in Svalbard. His technical and logistical expertise is a crucial asset to the expedition.
Dr. Ryan (Neely) R. Neely III
Atmospheric Scientist
Associate Professor at the University of Leeds and NCAS
Neely specializes in using remote sensing technologies, such as radar and lidar, to observe precipitation, clouds, and aerial fauna in innovative ways.
Neely will be leading the installation of the remote sensing instrumentation on the ICO building.
Prof. Von P. Walden
Atmospheric Scientist
Professor at Washington State University
Von is a leading authority on meteorology, climatology, and global climate change. He conducts research in Antarctica, the Arctic, and the western USA, focusing on air pollution and water resources.
Von will be providing critical technical and scientific support for the field team from the United States.